Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Japanese Choux Pastry

gFinally I update this blog since there were a lot of things to do last year. I do care with my study and I have to work hard for my thesis...WHAT?? *I wanna hide when I hear the word 'thesis' hahahahaha....It's more difficult to do rather than baking macaroons.. ^____^

To help me out from baking blue (less motivation in cooking and baking) -.-" I make this Japanese choux pastry. I browse in the internet and I fall in love with this choux. I usually make choux (in Indonesia we call it "kue sus") but without topping, just use base dough of choux and it's filled with vla. After baking this Japanese choux pastry,,,I change my mind..this choux is delicious choux ever....!!!!!!! I can't describe's too delicious..yumm yumm ^^

It's easy to make this at home...just need a try and smile :)
I got the recipe from Joy of Baking with lil modification.. hehehe
I'll write the recipe in Bahasa Indonesia...or you can go directly to the link provided above :)

Bahan Kulit

125 ml air
75 gr butter
75 gr tepung terigu (aku pake seegitiga biru)
1/4 sdt garam
2 butir telur 


25 gr gula halus
25 gr tepung terigu protein rendah
25 gr butter
2 sdm air 

Cara membuat

step by step making Japanese choux pastry

1. Didihkan air bersama butter dan garam. Aduk hingga mendidih 
2. Segera masukkan tepung terigu dan aduk cepat hingga kalis. Angkat lalu dinginkan
3. Pindah ke wadah lain dan aduk pelan supaya uap panasnya cepat hilang
4. Setelah dingin, masukkan telur satu persatu. Aduk hingga rata. Masukkan dalam plastik segitiga dan semprotkan ke atas loyang yang sudah dioleh mentega tipis
5. topping: campur semua bahan dan mixer sampai tercampur rata
6. semprotkan adonan topping ke atas adonan sus. Semprotkan melingkar seperti obat nyamuk. Oven dengan suhu 180 derajat selama 35 menit. 

After 35 minutes,,,taaa-daaaaa...Japanese choux pastry ready to serve ^_________^ 

Homemade Japanese Choux Pastry